
28.10.2019 - 31.12.2020

Medical exhibition with exposition of birth control items

There is a new permanent exposition devoted to the history of medicine in Daugavpils Fortress next to the “White Horse” Art Gallery. One of the halls is fully devoted to contraception. The exhibition is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 pm to 16 pm.


22.11.2019 - 31.12.2020

“25 Jewish Calendars in Latvia” exhibition

Visitors of the Daugavpils Synagogue are invited to view an exhibition “25 Jewish Calendars in Latvia”.


01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020

"Daugavpils Jewish Society and the Jewish Community" Exhibition

The exhibition “Daugavpils Jewish Society and the Jewish Community”  that displays 40 photographs depicting the life of Jews in Daugavpils from 1949 to 2019 can be seen in Daugavpils Synagogue. 


01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020

“Mark Rothko. Life and Art” Exhibition

The A sector of the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre offers a great chance to observe the permanent exposition “Mark Rothko. Life and Art” and the exhibition of original works created by Mark Rothko, to become acquainted with the digital exposition about the artist’s biography and various periods of his oeuvre, to spend time in the video hall, silent room and in the library.


01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020

Art hall of L. Baulins at Daugavpils Regional Studies and Art Museum

In the gallery of Daugavpils painter Leonid Baulin (1945-2002) the works created in 1972-1998 are exhibited.


13.05.2020 - 25.10.2020

Exhibition by Silva Linarte and Pēteris Martinsons “Two Summits”

From 13th May to 25th October the exhibition by Silva Linarte and Pēteris Martinsons “Two Summits” is available at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.


13.05.2020 - 25.10.2020

Juried Exhibition of Artists from Latgale Region "Inside Out"

From 13th May to 25th October the juried exhibition of artists from Latgale region “Inside Out” is available at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.


02.06.2020 - 25.10.2020

Exhibition by Hsjao Chin "In my Beginning is my End"

From 2 June until 25 October Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre offers a retrospective exhibition “In My Beginning Is My End” by Chinese abstractionist Hsiao Chin.


11.09.2020 - 25.10.2020

Solo exhibition by artist Ieva Caruka at the Rothko Centre

At 4 p.m. on Friday 11 September, artist Ieva Caruka will open her solo exhibition “Black Meets White” at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.



Pottery classes in Daugavpils Clay Art Centre

Everyone is invited to spend time creatively in Daugavpils Clay Art Centre! Participants of the classes will be able to create beautiful functional things made from clay – ceramic vases, mugs, saucers and other clay products.