From 14th February to 20th February, everyone is invited to take part in the events taking place in our city. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy the best of art, music and activities. Come with your friends and family and enjoy a week full of adventure.
Daugavpils will celebrate its 750th anniversary from 29 May to 1 June
Daugavpils city has already started intensive work on the city’s celebration programme, which highlights not only the city’s significant anniversary, but also the 85th anniversary of the first Latgale Song Festival at the Stropu Stage.
Daugpilis kviečia į galingą Naujųjų metų šventę Vienybės aikštėje
Šiais metais Naujųjų metų sutikimas Daugpilyje žada būti ypač spalvingas ir nepamirštamas. Gruodžio 31 d., antradienį, kviečiame visus į galingą naujametinį vakarą Vienybės aikštėje pasimėgauti šventine atmosfera, pasitikti 2025-uosius ir švęsti Daugpilio 750 metų jubiliejų!
10 reasons to visit Daugavpils during winter holidays
Daugavpils turns into a real fairy-tale city during Christmas, where every corner breathes with magic and festive atmosphere. If you are looking for a place to spend an unforgettable holiday, then Daugavpils is the place to go!
Gruodžio 1 d. Daugpilyje bus įžiebtos pagrindinės Kalėdų eglės lemputės
Kalėdų sezonas Daugpilyje prasidės jau netrukus! Lapkričio 30 d. bus uždegta pirmoji žvakė didžiajame advento vainike, o gruodžio 1 d. pagrindinėje aikštėje spalvotomis lemputėmis bus įžiebta pagrindinė Kalėdų eglė.
„Helovino siaubo parkas“ – grandiozinis šou atvyksta į Daugpilį!
Šiemet ištisas tris savaites, nuo spalio 11 d. iki lapkričio 3 d., Daugpilio centrinis parkas virs paslaptingu „Siaubo parku“, kuris žada tapti didžiausiu ir įspūdingiausiu rudens renginiu. Kiekvieną vakarą nuo 15 iki 22 val. parkas atvers duris visiems, pasiruošusiems pasinerti į mistikos ir baimės pasaulį.
If you are planning a holiday in Daugavpils from 9th August to 15th August, take a look at the cultural and sports events on offer.
Sightseeing tour on a retro tram in Daugavpils
LLC „Daugavpils satiksme” offers a unique opportunity – a trip around Daugavpils on a retro tram, which was manufactured in the middle of the 20th century at the Riga Carriage Works.
Embark on an exciting adventure along the Daugava River!
With the onset of warm weather, Daugavpils offers trips along the Daugava on the boat “Sikspārnis” and the boat “Dina”. During the trip, you will be pleased with the beautiful views of the Daugava and the opportunity to enjoy views of the city from the water. It is also a great way to spend time with family and friends.
The main events of the Daugavpils City Festival will take place from 31 May to 2 June. As usual, residents and visitors will enjoy a varied programme of festivities with concerts by different artists, as well as performances by local collectives and artists.
Discover Daugavpils with a free walking tour and an unforgettable local guide
If you want to learn more about Daugavpils, the best way to do it is to visit a guided city tour, which will take you through the most important sights and their history. Your guide will tell you interesting and fascinating stories about our city. – The tour starts on 25th February at 12.00 in … >>
Finest spa and wellness experiences in Daugavpils
Winter has arrived! It’s the perfect time to warm up, relax and unwind your body with warming spa treatments. Daugavpils will have something to offer on cold winter evenings!